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Nice... uh... effects...

I watched Space Camp last night. It was just as good as I remembered it being. :) The DVD is pretty barebones with only the feature and a trailer on it, but it was still a good buy at less than $10. There was one odd thing about the movie, though. I remember the effects being fairly poor, but there was some pretty blatant badness here. I don't know if this was a problem with the transfer or if they had to reconstruct the effects and did a bad job of it or what. Every single time the sun rose over the Earth while they were in space, you could see the sun as a dark spot THROUGH the Earth before it rose. Often while the shuttle was travelling through space, you could see the matte lines. When Andie was going to rescue Max, you could VERY obviously see two dark lines attached to her which I assume were cables holding her up. I'd never noticed this before quite this badly in my many viewings of this movie. I guess going digital isn't always the best thing in the world for movies.

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