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Yesterday I had such a wonderful day.

While driving along on the way to work, I guess I got a bit too close to the side of the road and hit a huge pothole that I normally wouldn't have (I saw the hole on the way into work this morning and it was deep). This caused me to get a flat tire. Thankfully, I had a spare and a jack and I managed to change the tire myself. This was my first time, so it was very exciting.

So after work, I took my car to a shop to have it looked at and my worst fears were confirmed. I'd bent the rim, so I needed to get a new wheel. So now I'm hunting for a new wheel for my li'l Saturn. And then I can either get the old tire patched or get a new one. Either way, it's probably not going to be cheap.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 17, 2005 8:42 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Best Buy Lost Me.

The next post in this blog is I am returning.

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