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Back when I was a lad, I was rather good in school. Geekily, nerdily so. I was concerned when I got B's. I remember when my 5th grade teacher was all worried when I got a C in math, but I managed to get a grip on long division and pulled myself out of that one. Even when the apathy hit and I started not caring so much about school during high school, I was still pulling decent grades and I managed to finish 13th in my class. In college, it was about the same.

But now school kinda scares me because I feel like I've gotten dumber and have really lost some of my capacity to learn. There are a lot of things I feel like I have a hard time "getting". And taking Japanese hasn't helped dissuade me from that notion one bit. I really am not very good at languages. Trying to remember all the grammar rules and vocabulary and kanji is really difficult for me.

But there are times when I feel like I'd like to go back to school for SOMEthing. I'm not sure what, but I feel like there's something out there I want to know everything about. I just have to find out what it is. I have to get that verve for learning back and find some way for learning to be fun instead of frustrating. It's just not fun when your brain hurts.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 17, 2004 11:32 AM.

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The next post in this blog is No DSL for you!.

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