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Picture pages, picture pages...

O.K.! I finally got some of these pictures online!

The first new set is from our visit to Gambrill State Park back in February. We had oodles of fun and we hope to go back there once it stops raining consistently, so we don't have to go through so much mud this time.

The next set is a small one from when Sarah went up to Connecticut. She was supposed to go to a literature festival, but circumstances conspired against her, so she just spent time hanging out with her long-time friend, Susan.

The next set is from this year's Sakura Matsuri. I got down there pretty late and it was pretty cold out, but I had a good time. This was my first time, so I didn't know what to expect, but I later heard oodles of complaints about it. Ah well. It was still neat enough. And hey... it was free... so I don't really have any reason to complain.

The last two sets were taken on the same day. We usually go away for our anniversary, but Sarah's been extremely busy lately because of grad school, so we just decided to take a short day trip. Our destination was The Land of Little Horses, so the first set is from there. The drive up was beautiful and, though we made it there too late to really see much of the animals, we still had a fun time.

The final set comes from something we just stumbled across on the way home. We drove home a different way than we drove up to Gettysburg (which, by the way, was WAY commercial and extremely busy... not sure I even want to try to go there for the historical significance... at least not in nice weather). Along the way, we saw a sign for The Grotto of Lourdes. Having no idea what it was and feeling adventurous (and not too tired yet), we decided to stop in. What greeted us was a very beautiful, serene shrine with beautiful statuary, excellent flora, and some pretty neat mosaics. Though I'm not religious at all, I definitely can appreciate religious art.

So... there are the pictures! Enjoy.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 26, 2004 3:20 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Gah!.

The next post in this blog is Strange and violent dreams.

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