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Instant relatives!

On Sunday, since the weather was so incredibly nice, Sarah and I went driving. Our destination was Gambrill State Park, which was mentioned on Ryan's page a while back. We were basically looking for somewhere with a relatively easy hike but some nice scenery, since we're both rather out of shape. The trails were muddy and had a surprising amount of snow and ice on them. But it was still fun to get outdoors and enjoy the lovely day. Pictures will be coming eventually.

Along the way, we stopped in at a little antique place on 15. Upstairs in a little basket was a group of photos with the sign "Instant Relatives!" 25 cents a photo". The price had been $1 a photo, so this was a pretty good markdown. Anyhow... I don't know why I like this stuff, but I get a kick out of finding old photos, letters, and postcards. With letters and postcards, the subject matter isn't always as important. It's just interesting to see different colloquialisms and things like that.

I bought about 12 pictures, all from the 30's and 40's. A lot of them were focused on one particular family and I got three pictures containing three generations of Thomas F. Gibsons. The pictures are great, though I wish you could see more of the background in some of them. One of the ones from the 30s has an old car in it, but you can't see too much of it. Still... it's a really cool and fairly cheap thing to collect. I don't tend to go out of my way to find this stuff, but if I see it, I usually get some. I can imagine this becoming a rabid hobby if I allowed it to get out of control.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 1, 2004 12:10 PM.

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The next post in this blog is A summing up.

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