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Great. I look like a total lunatic in this year's school pictures. My eyes are wide and my smile is eerie. I think the photographer said something bizarre (I believe I remember him saying something like "Now give us that Sunday smile!" or something like that) and I was trying not to laugh at the weirdness of it. So now I just end up looking like a maniac. With a 5:00 shadow at 2:00 in the afternoon.

Yay! I look like I shoot up at work!

Comments (2)


Well. You are derranged. But that kind of picture isn't the same kind as the "he was such a quiet neighbor" kind of derranged. I think you should post it.

Yeah, let's see this!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 17, 2003 12:48 PM.

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