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It's gone!

Apparently, according to Sarah, my butt is gone. This was one of the unforeseen consequences of losing so much weight (another is actually losing weight from my wrist area, so my watch no longer fits very well). It's sad, in a way, since this was probably the only area I'd ever been complimented on by someone who I wasn't involved with at the time. Of course, the compliment came from my girlfriend at the time's mom, so... it was creepy.

Maybe it's better that I have no butt.

Comments (2)


When I was in high school, I was told I had a "boney butt" by the girl I went to my senior prom with. She wondered if when I sat on a metal chair if I made a scraping sound.

Welcome to the no-arse club.

Having someone else's ass to grab is better than grabbing your own, so as long as you have that all is well.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 6, 2003 12:30 PM.

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