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Well, I was hoping to get the pictures uploaded, resized, and put up on the website before posting about our weekend, but that doesn't seem like it's going to happen any time soon, so I may as well just post now and add the link to the pictures later.

On Saturday, I surprised Sarah by taking her horseback riding. Neither of us had ever had a whole lot of experience (I'd only been on a horse once before that I could remember), so it was definitely... interesting. We had troubles getting the horses to go where we wanted them to or to even go at all. But we still had a great time and the weather cooperated nicely.

Saturday was also the day we found our new couch. Just have to wait a few weeks for it to get here, but it'll be nice to have a couch without holes in it.

On Sunday, we decided to take another Washington Post Roadtrip. This one took us towards the mountains. Our first stop was the Wat Lao Buddhavong temple in Catlett, VA. Not exactly the type of place you'd expect to find a Buddhist temple. But there it was. When we got there, the place seemed deserted with no one around outside, so we decided to just take some pictures and go. We felt a little odd just waltzing it, as if we were invading their privacy. And it was obviously a holy place, so it just didn't feel right. Perhaps we'll try again some time, maybe when they're having a festival or something.

We then hit the Graffiti House in Brandy Station, which was fascinating and sad. It was really awful to see such an important piece of history decaying and hearing that it was so hard for the foundation to find funds to try to repair, restore, retain, and understand the graffiti. Didn't take any pictures of that, except for the outside.

After that, we'd planned to hit the Graves Mountain Lodge, since they were having an apple festival of some sort. But there were tons of people there and we didn't get there until about an hour and a half before it ended, so we decided to just drive on.

That was pretty much the end of our trip. We drove around a bit more, enjoying the nice weather, then headed home.

On Monday, Sarah decided she'd liked the riding so much, she wanted to go back. So she called and got us reservations for the time we wanted (which just happened to be the only time they had available) and off we went. This time, Sarah got the horse that I'd had on Saturday. I got a horse that really fought me the whole way. We weren't very successful this time and didn't make it very far. The horses just refused to go. Still... we hope to go back some time and give it another go. They can be stubborn, but so can we.

All in all, a relaxing and fun weekend. I'm sure my UK fans won't agree, but that's O.K. if it makes them feel special.

Comments (2)


That Graffiti house looks really cool!


It was very cool. Almost drive right past it, too, but then Sarah noticed the sign. Interesting stories about its ownership history and how the current owners managed to acquire it. They also have a photo album there from about 10 years back of stuff that's no longer on the walls because some of the walls started crumbling. The house is right next to a railroad track and you can feel the whole house shaking when a train goes by. It's fun to see and you can just imagine what's under the rest of the wallpaper.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 16, 2003 11:42 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Pixie Stix.

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