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Road trip!

Since it was such a gorgeous day, we decided to pick out one of the road trips that the Washington Post has had in its Sunday paper for a little while. We collected a few that looked interesting, picked one that wasn't TOO far (since we didn't decide to go until, like, 2:00) and set off.

Well... we didn't end up making it TOO far down the map. It was a lot more driving than it looked like. But we still had fun. We made it to C.M. Crockett Park and had a great time. It's a big, beautiful park with a pretty big lake. We got in a paddle boat and paddled around for about an hour. Fun fun.

Then we drove a bit more and realized we were a bit hungry, so we went up to the Frost Diner. This was obviously because of Ryan's influence. I had some of the best fried chicken I've ever had there, though. Very tasty.

That was pretty much all we got to do, except for a quick stop at a farmer's market/antique store where they had a pair of very cute 2-1/2 month old kittens that they were giving away. We were tempted (and Sarah got to hold one of them), but it's just too expensive for apartment living.

Hopefully next weekend will be just as nice, so we can pick another one. Or try going further on this one. Or just go back to that park.

And here are some pictures of the day.

Comments (2)


Sounds like a great time! We've always driven through Warrenton, but never actually seen what they have to offer. Great pictures.

I love the Frost Diner... :)


Looking around, I guess the park we went to wasn't exactly in Warrenton, but eh... close enough. :P

The Frost Diner was very cool. I thought I remembered that you'd been there before and then I found it on the Ping. The only weird conversation we overheard was from these two teenage guys behind us who started in on what sounded like it was going to be a lengthy conversation about how great Reality Bites was.

Maybe it was a little too early for weird.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 6, 2003 9:28 PM.

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