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A magazine for a new age...

When I was growing up, I read all sorts of science magazines. Discover, Sky and Telescope, Omni, and a few others I can't even remember. I really enjoyed them and I think recently I'd been missing having a good magazine to read.

Until Sarah got an offer in the mail to subscribe to the Smithsonian Magazine for only $12 a year. Seemed like a bargain, so we tried out the first issue. And I must say... I'm enjoying it quite a lot. Not as heavy as National Geographic, it suits my limited attention span and slow reading speed very well. And with a broad range of subjects such as art, history, politics, and science, it's always got a good mix of interesting articles. And the price can't be beat. Hell... I signed up for 2 years.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 5, 2003 12:11 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Watchin' the detectives.

The next post in this blog is A Day in the Woods.

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