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No sugah

Ever since I was told I had to stop eating sugar, I've discovered that the world of sugar free has come a LONG way. I've got a massive sweet tooth, so it was a major blow to me to discover I wasn't supposed to have it. Though I haven't been totally strict, I've cut WAY back. No more soda. Lots more water. Cookies and other sweets very rarely.

The thing is... stuff without sugar tastes a lot better these days. Even the no sugar added ice cream from Breyers is quite good. And Crystal Light isn't as bad as I thought. Even Minute Maid Light is good. And the best thing is... most of these products are also lower in fat and cholesterol, which is another thing I'm supposed to be dealing with. I'm down below 200 pounds for the first time in a VERY long time.

I'm just shocked that there's actually good sugar free stuff out there. I never imagined you could do a good butter pecan ice cream without sugar, but... you can. It's yummy. Come over and eat some.

Comments (3)


I'll be there at 6.


O.K. I'll be waiting for you. Breathlessly.

No sugar? I'd rather have my wiener cut off. At least I get action from sugar.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 18, 2003 3:18 PM.

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