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Paul and Jeani

Just wanted to take the time to congratulate Paul and Jeani on the day after their wedding. I know I don't know either of you all that well, but I feel like I've gotten to know you a bit through the Ping and phonezilla. So if I was ever in Chicago, you wouldn't just be some anonymous happy couple walking down the street. You'd be a couple that I could probably recognize if it wasn't raining and you were close enough that my failing glasses could see you. Isn't that better? Thank heavens for the Internet.

But seriously... congratulations! I wish for all the happiness in the world for the two of you. Enjoy your life together.

Comments (2)


Thanks, Rob. We'd look at you a bit oddly if you were walking down the street, too.


Eh... everyone does. Maybe it's because of the horn growing out of my forehead.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 26, 2003 9:05 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Sunflowers EVERYwhere....

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