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I like... bats...

Well. I was sitting in the living room last night. I can't remember what time it was. Probably somewhere around 11 or so, though it may have been a BIT earlier. I was playing a bit of Wolfenstein online. I was on the Allies side and we'd just won. Suddenly, something rather larger than a fly was flitting about in our apartment. At first, I thought it was a bird, so I said to Sarah rather calmly, "Hrmmm... there's a bird in here." She proceeded to freak out. :)

After looking at it further, Sarah said she thought it was a bat. I didn't think it was, since I thought I'd seen a beak and I thought it had feathers. But upon closer inspection (which was hard to do, since this guy was really moving), I noticed that the wings didn't really look like bird wings. And I don't think it had a proper tail. ANYhow... I opened the screen door and got it to fly outside after about 30 seconds. It was very surreal.

We're still not sure how it got in. I checked the screens on the windows and there wasn't a hole in any of them. Sarah thinks it might've gotten in through the hole above our shower. For some reason, there's a hole in the far corner of our bathroom. It looks like it's supposed to be a vent, but there's no vent cover or anything. It never really bothered us TOO much (except for when water drips from there for no reason... it's always ice cold and it can be quite a surprise when you're in a nice hot shower), so we didn't really stop to ponder what to do about it. Besides... getting the people who run our apartment complex over to fix something like this is a trial.

Hopefully we'll have no more nocturnal visitors of a fuzzy nature.

Comments (1)


Must be a Craven thing this week I had a baby qoose in the front seat of my car! Jumped in as I was leaving work.....

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