« Come on, baby... | Main | Ecks Two »

Hey, world... check ME out.

So I went to the local Giant this weekend to pick up a couple things. I was ill, but I had nothing to eat, so I had to get some food. Since I only had a few things, I decided to try the self-checkout thing. I have to admit... it was pretty cool and it worked well. It scanned my happy bonus card, then scanned all my items and coupons. The only thing it didn't do was bag everything for me.

The only weird thing was... when someone got in line behind me, I started feeling really self-conscious, especially since I'd never used it before. I was worried that I was being too slow or something. At least I only had 3 items.

All in all, a pretty spiffy experience. Didn't really expect it to work so well.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 19, 2003 4:13 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Ecks Two.

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