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Well... it's not THAT small...

Wow. Last night's Smallville was easily the best episode of the season, if not of the show. And I went into it not really expecting much. I had no idea just how much plot they'd jam into this one episode. There was SO much going on, but it never once felt overwhelming. They were even able to include a minor subplot on top of all of the good stuff.

A few weeks ago, I was lamenting the current state of Smallville and worrying about where it was going. But the past couple of episodes, especially this one, have been outstanding.

When the first hints of the Superman movie music started playing, I felt a little giddy. When it came out full bore, it was almost chilling. Great use of music in the scene between Clark and Dr. Swann.

Excellent excellent episode.

Oh. And I get out early today because of the snow. Mwah.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 26, 2003 11:28 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Get lynched!.

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