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Show me the interest!

I've finally taken my financial future into my own hands. Sorta. I was offered a fairly low interest personal loan, so I took it. The rate was only slightly better than my lowest interest rate credit card, it's probably the best rate I'll get without being a homeowner. But it's the psychological aspect of it that'll help in the long run.

Using credit cards only in the most dire of emergencies and knowing exactly when I'll be out of debt finally will be a good thing. Credit card debt is the most evil thing in the universe and it's been haunting me for over 10 years now. Having to wait another 5 years is a pain, but... at least now I know it'll be over soon.

Comments (1)

I, myself, have jumped at every opportunity to take advantage of the credit card phase to keep from being in debt. I keep taking the 0 percent for a year or for 6 months: you have to read the fine print. NO Balance transfer fees and no apr until such and such date. It has been 1 1/2 years and to date i have been out an extra 20! i will be out of date Jan 04 at 0 percent interest! And, if a better credit card comes along, i just might transfer, add another credit card, and wait til i die to pay it off!!!! lol

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