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Tonight is Sarah's first class in her grad school program. She's thrilled. Of course, she's also fighting a losing battle against a cold, so she's not quite as thrilled as she could be, but she's doing her best. It's really a good thing we work at the same place, since we probably won't be seeing each other too often while she's taking classes. She has class Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday nights and then Saturday morning. When my Japanese class starts up again, that'll be on Monday. It'll be rough, but this is definitely a good thing for her to do and a perfect time to do it.

By the way... it's really tough to get out of debt when there's so much stuff you want.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 14, 2003 9:03 AM.

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The next post in this blog is lazily lazin' laze.

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