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The holidays and such...

Well, we got back from Ohio last Monday. The journey there was treacherous and yucky. We got a flat tire about 45 minutes away from Sarah's grandparents' place. Right after a toll booth, too. I bet they sabotaged the car. We had a really nasty gash on the side of the tire facing the car and have no idea how that could've happened. It could've been worse... we could've been far far away from where we were headed.

Christmas was fairly quiet. We just made a nice dinner for ourselves. Then Sarah's friend came over the next day with her boyfriend and we hung out with them. The rest of the time was spent with Sarah working on stuff she needed to do for grad school and doing some practice sessions for the GRE, which she took today.

She was nervous, but she pulled through and scored over 100 points more than she needed to for the minimum requirement for school. Go, Sarah!

Not sure what we'll be doing for New Years Eve. Maybe something good, maybe something bad...

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 31, 2002 12:07 AM.

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The next post in this blog is And back we go....

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