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Greetings, starfighter. You've been recruited by the Star League...

Well... I guess I have permission to post this here. I think she's told most of her close friends now, so the whole world can know.

A couple weeks ago, Sarah decided to go to grad school. When Sarah decides to do something, she does it in short order. On Saturday, she received her acceptance letter for the Catholic University of America's Library and Information Sciences program. She honestly didn't think she was going to get in, especially since the due date for applying was past before she even decided to try to go, but she's a silly girl. I'm proud of her for deciding that this is what she wanted to do with her life and then going through with it. It'll be rough working part time and going to school part time, but I'm sure she can do it. At the moment, she's on provisionary status since she didn't have time to take the GREs before applying, but once she's done that, she'll be a full-fledged college chick. Woo woo!

Comments (1)

Way to score a college chick, bro! We all wish we could be so lucky!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 16, 2002 8:55 AM.

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