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With a cast THIS good...


Well, I started listening to the CD I won in the ADDreviews contest. Seriously, this is a fine disc. I was rather impressed with the professional appearance of it when I first got it into my not-so-grubby little hands. This was obviously a labor of love. Or at least lust.

When I first stuck it in my computer, I noted that it had already been entered into CDDB. Now that's quality AND service.

Most of the stuff on there I've never heard before. I'm about halfway through listening to it and I've found quite a lot of stuff that I like a lot. There's so much music out there that I've never heard. This is just a taste.

With the quality of this CD, maybe I'll have to start actually paying attention to what the boys over at ADDreviews have to say. Maybe I'll become someone's yes-man.

Comments (3)


Well said, my brother.

The hearts in your signature touched me more deeply than you could possibly imagine.

Awww. And thanks for not calling me gay over the whole thing. :-D

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