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Glove... lovely glove...

I can't remember what I was thinking about this morning, but an odd question drifted into my head. Why hasn't someone come up with a more modern name for the glove compartment? Hardly anyone wears driving gloves these days. So the name isn't really descriptive of what we store in there. It's not like I think the names of things should be changed when they become outdated. I'm just surprised when they aren't, especially in something like a car where they seem to come up with some fancy name for any little feature to make it sound like a cool technological marvel, even if it's just a cup holder. Glove compartment doesn't really cut it.

Comments (2)


Can I just say that the whole discussion of long nipples is disturbing in ways that I don't want to be disturbed in. Can we return to discussions of glove compartments or even language classes?



I like "drug compartment." It makes us all feel like outlaws.

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