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Lend me your ears... so I can sell them for a ticket.

I'm sure everyone's tired of hearing people rant about Ticketmaster. But... now it's my turn.

Maybe I'm silly, but I figured that I'd get the best seats if I did the Internet presale they were doing for a show. So I logged in at 10am when it was supposed to start... and nothing. I checked several times during the day and there was still nothing, so I gave up for a while. Around 3:30, I checked again and it had started at 2:45. Gah. Luckily, I was able to still get decent seats. Not in the center but still not bad.

But... $20 extra for 2 tickets? The tickets already cost $40 (which is absurd) and then on top of that I have to pay $10 more per ticket? It just makes me weep. Soon enough I'll end up paying for a whole extra ticket by the time I'm done with "convenience" fees.

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The next post in this blog is I'm turning Japanese..

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