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Kick Some Butt... On Route 66

This is starting to drive me really batty. I've known for a while that most drivers around here are pretty stupid. Shifting across 4 lanes in one go through heavy traffic, cutting me off, and all sorts of sillyness has become fairly commonplace to me. But there's one thing in my morning commute that really gets me. There are several places getting on and off 66 where the exit ramp is quite long, merges with the on-ramp, then gets right back on 66. So many many cars decide to get off 66, take the exit ramp, then get right back on 66, so they can skip maybe 20 cars' worth of traffic. Which causes more slowdowns as they try to reinsert themselves into the flow. And they slow things down by getting in the way of people actually trying to get on 66 in the first place. It's just idiotic, illogical, and plain rude.


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Too bad it's not also illegal.

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