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Throne of Blooooooooood...

This weekend I went to see Throne of Blood at the AFI Theatre in the Kennedy Center. When I got there about an hour before the movie was to start, the line for tickets contained only about 10 people and I noticed about a dozen or so people milling about who'd already bought tickets. About a half hour later, the ticket line held about 40 people and the line for ticketed people stretched the entire Hall of Nations. Needless to say, the small theatre was packed.

The movie itself was very entertaining. The quality of the print was excellent. I'm definitely glad I went. It's too bad I probably won't get the chance to see any of the other movies. Things at work are heating up, as classes start on the 27th. I can see late nights and weekends in my future. Yeehaw.

In other news, I've applied to take a Japanese language class. The class size is pretty small with only 8 people per class, so I hope I can get in. We'll see...

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Good for you I hope you enjoy it!

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