« Hisndon, Herndon... | Main | Go go Yo Yo! »

But I've already learned so much!

Well, I started my training today for my new job. I've been sent off to learn Microsoft stuff, since most of the people working there now know mostly Novell and don't really know much about 2000 Server and all that. So far, the class has been fairly boring and I haven't learned anything new, really. But it's only been one day and I figure things will pick up soon. Hopefully.

I've added a comment feature to my MP3 of the Week thingy that I don't think anyone's listening to anyhow.

That's about it for me. It's damn hot out, so I'm glad the place I'm getting trained is heavily air conditioned. Woo!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 10, 2002 7:23 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Go go Yo Yo!.

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