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We regret to inform you...

Yet another update on my job hunt. I got a mail from the company I interviewed with, saying that they went with another candidate. Which is what I figured anyhow. However, there's a possibility that this job I've been doing at the school Sarah works at could become permanent. It wouldn't start for a few months, though, and I don't know what the salary would be like, but it's a possibility. And it'd be interesting to do something with computers besides programming. I've always wanted to explore other areas, but it's kinda hard to do without the training and I couldn't afford to get the training before. So we'll see.

In other news, Sarah reports that the new Indigo Girls CD is pretty good. Some great stuff on there but some so-so stuff, too. I guess I haven't really been totally infatuated with their albums since Swamp Ophelia, though. There have been some really great songs here and there, but the last few albums just haven't been solid love for me. Ah well.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 12, 2002 8:22 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Accident on I-66! Film at 11.

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