« Day take you out back for sucky sucky? | Main | He disappeared into AOHelL... »

Poor timing...

It seems my usual bad luck is holding true for me. Though I missed the AOL guy's call by 5 minutes, when I called him back, he wasn't there. I've tried calling him at least a dozen times each day since, leaving 3 messages, but I haven't gotten in touch with him at all. I was hoping to get an interview in before the other company decided. Oh well.

Sorry I've been so quiet lately. All of this stuff hasn't put me in an especially wonderful mood.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 2, 2002 12:27 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Day take you out back for sucky sucky?.

The next post in this blog is He disappeared into AOHelL....

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