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Me get job

Well, it looks like I probably have a job. I still have to think about it a little bit because it'll require a pay cut, but... it could be an interesting opportunity and it IS a job, which would be a rather nice thing for me to have.

The network administrator for the school Sarah works at isn't coming back next year and I apparently impressed the other tech people enough that they were pretty happy when I said I was interested in the job. A bit of a scare happened when I went to meet the headmaster and he thought I was interviewing for the help desk position they also had available... and only offered me $35k. I can't even live on that. But... the misunderstanding was rectified and a more reasonable offer was made. It's still a $7000 or so pay cut, but that's better than an $18,000 pay cut. I'll take a look and see if I can live with it. It'd be a neat job and it really doesn't seem easy to get this kind of position without having experience already. I have a lot of desktop troubleshooting experience, but I don't know much about network administration. But they said they'd pay to send me to Novell classes and do some training and all that, so it'll be great and I'll learn a lot. It'll be nice to get exposed to another area of computers that I wouldn't easily be able to.

Comments (4)


Wow, there goes that site we were planning. ;)

In any event, network admin is not a simple job - but it's a lot of maintenance, and there's a certain satisfaction one can take from making sure a network is running well. Plus, free donuts!


Sounds good, Rob! Don't concern yourself *too* much with the 7k paycut -- while it sucks, it's something that can change with time (ie raises).

And I think you can handle network admininstration with a little training. You're the man, after all.

When would this job start?


Paul - I'm sorry for getting a job and ruining the site. ;) And yeah... network admin doesn't seem like a simple job. But at least I'm just doing the network admin for the lower and middle school campus. Most of the servers are on the upper school campus and they have a three-person team there taking care of a lot more of the responsibilities. So I won't get dropped right into the fire right away, at least.

Ryan - The job wouldn't start until June, I've been told, though I have to make sure of that. But it would be June at the earliest. I'm kinda looking forward to the challenge. There are a lot of things about networks and maintaining them that I've known a bit about but not enough to suit me. So this'll be an excellent opportunity.


By the way, Rob, I should mention: "go for it". "Go for the gold", "Grab That Brass Ring", and so on.

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