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"New England... the Patriots and we..."

Wow. Apparently the Patriots won the Super Bowl. I didn't watch a bit of the game at all, but I'm shocked. It's nice to know they won one. I remember back in 1986 when they were in the Super Bowl against the Bears. There was so much hype for it back then. They even had that silly "New England, the Patriots, and We" song... and a video to go with it, if I remember correctly. Even I watched the game then. Or at least half of the game. After the first half, I think we all gave up on the Pats.

But anyhow... this is redemption somehow, I'm sure.

Comments (1)


The name of the song is Fight Song: New England, The Patriots and Me Not 'We'. It's on their website. I've seen it spelled this incorrect way a few times, but just wanted to set the record straight.

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