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Job job job... job?

Yes, I'm still here. Just been quiet and busy lately. I've been back at Sarah's school doing some work for them, so I've gotten a bit of extra money. We also went to Ohio for the long weekend, so I wasn't around to post then, either. The rest of the time... well... you probably don't wanna know what I was doing anyhow.

I had a job interview today, though. A small company out in McLean. They do linguistic software. Sounded like a neat place. There will be a second, technical interview for me if they liked me enough. Hopefully they did. I don't interview well and I tend to suddenly forget what it was I did in my prior job and such. But... we'll see.

Give me job. Give me job now. Give me?

Comments (3)

So whatever happened with that other job? Did you ever hear anything from them or did you just decide you'd waited long enough?


They've still left me hanging. I haven't heard from them since they brought me in a couple weeks ago to tell me that I'd be interviewing with the client real soon now. :P I'll probably try to get in touch with them again soon, but I imagine it's not worth it. I don't know. It's just frustrating trying to deal with them when they offer you a job that's supposed to start immediately and then more than a month goes by and nothing happens.

Ten hours and no one has made a "cunning linguistics" joke.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 20, 2002 12:41 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Directionless....

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