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Day take you out back for sucky sucky?

Well, my day didn't go so wonderfully today. I got up in plenty of time for my interview, which was good. But then it all went downhill from there.

First off, I left at a decent time for my interview. Then as I was passing the mailbox, I thought I'd check the mail, so I reached for my keys. Which weren't there. I'd actually managed to lock myself out of my apartment, something I've never ever done. So I ran over to the apartment office and the door was locked. Luckily, I saw one of the managers coming up the sidewalk, so I got her to give me the keys to my apartment. I managed to make it to the interview with just 10 minutes to spare.

But I don't think the interview went too well. I guess my knowledge has been sort of dulled by a reliance on tools. I usually look stuff up that I need to know. And there are other things I just take for granted, so I've forgotten. They were simple questions that I didn't answer correctly. And I also was so nervous that my little sample bit of programming that he had me do was screwed up. But... I don't know... maybe they'll take my nervousness into account. Supposedly I'll be told on Monday whether I got the job or not.

The one bit of good news is that I got a call from AOL. Unfortunately, I missed the phone call and when I called back 5 minutes later, the guy was gone. So I'll try tomorrow. I know AOL isn't a great service, but... it's close by, it's a big company so I'll hopefully get decent money and benefits, and I'm sure they're more stable now that they've merged with Time Warner and all that. But who knows? Hopefully I'll get an interview with them. Since I'm still so unsure about what I want to do for the rest of my life, it might be nice to take something that pays well and all. So... we'll see.

Could've been a better day, though, that's for sure.

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