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Dream a little dream or two...

I had some incredibly freaky dreams last night. One of them I can explain, but the other one I really can't.

In the first one, Sarah and I were at a concert. I believe it was a concert for some female singer she likes. I knew who the opening act was and she didn't and I was getting really excited about it and she was confused. Then the curtains opened and the lights started coming out and I shouted out "P.E.!" and Sarah looked completely baffled. Turns out Public Enemy was opening for whoever it was. A complete mismatch. Now, this one I can explain because I'd just been reading reviews of the Public Enemy Live at the House of Blues DVD and considering getting it.

The other one, though, was a bit stranger. There was this girl who was apparently my step-sister. Apparently, we were both attracted to each other, but I didn't know she was until later in the dream. But both of us thought it was extremely weird because we were both related to each other now. So it was sort of a Brady Bunch/Marmalade Boy kind of thing. Lord knows where that dream came from, though.

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