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Piddly update...

I sincerely apologize for being so quiet lately. This job and the holiday season have made it feel like things are hectic, even if they're not. The job's been going well so far. In a way, it's too bad it's not a permanent job, but I know it doesn't pay quite well enough anyhow. But it's still nice, even if the commute's longer.

Went up to Ohio this weekend to visit Sarah's family. Had a good time playing with the babies. The drive's long and I'm not much for long trips, so it feels good to be home.

Hopefully soon I'll catch up on things and get back to doing some reviews for ADDmovies.

Comments (1)

Wait too long on the reviews and Master Laze might start crackin' the whip!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 17, 2001 9:47 PM.

The previous post in this blog was I am... the temp.

The next post in this blog is Christmas in Middle Earth.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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