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Kitchen Band-Aid

On Saturday, Sarah picked up an early Christmas gift for me. She felt that it was too big to hide and she didn't want to miss out on a good deal she was getting, so she got it for me early. I know this will sound dorky, but it was a KitchenAid Professional 6 Quart Stand Mixer. I've wanted a KitchenAid mixer since I was a teen. Sure, we don't really have room for it in our kitchen with its tiny amount of counter space, but it's nice to have it. I can't wait to make something with it.

Yes, I am a dork.

Since Sarah gave me my big present early, I gave her her biggest present early, as well. A Gameboy Advance with a few games. She loved it, even though she's swearing at Super Mario Advance. :)

Comments (2)

Donna Craven:

So what are you gonna make me?


I don't know yet. Maybe a cake. But that wouldn't survive the mail yet. This will take some thought. Hrmmmm...

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 3, 2001 4:08 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Thank you.

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