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I am... the temp

I went to the interview today. It was very odd. It lasted about 10-15 minutes and they didn't even want to see my resume and asked relatively few questions. They actually gave me the job right then and would've had me start right away except I was wearing a suit and they didn't want to ruin it. It's only a temporary, part-time thing, but it'll be nice to get some extra money while I'm looking for something else. Which they expect me to do and they're completely fine with it. Which is nice. But it'll be cool doing stuff I enjoy and making some money and helping people out. Hopefully once the holidays are over, something permanent will show up. Until then... this is good.

Comments (4)


As I mentioned today: congrats. It sounds like a great situation to be in -- making money to "pay the bills" while still having the flexibility to keep looking for something else.

That's good news, Rob!

They didn't want you to ruin your suit? That's strangely considerate.


Was it a Godzilla Suit? No one would want that ruined.

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