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The winter shakes

Kinda interesting story. We hit the 29 Diner tonight as sort of a pre-birthday dinner. The last thing I ordered was a strawberry milkshake and the waitress just stared at me for a while. I thought she just hadn't heard me right or that she thought I was odd for ordering a milkshake in 45 degree weather. But no. She just didn't like making them and I was the first person who'd ordered one from her today. :)

It turned out to be an excellent milkshake, though. Had some really really good fried chicken, too. Yummers.

Comments (7)


How'd it taste with the spit in it?


I think it was the spit that made it extra-thick.

Ah, the 29. What a charming place that is. :-)


What shocked me the most was that, when I finally dared to go to the restroom, it wasn't nearly as "charming" as I expected it to be.


It had to be nicer than the one at the duckpin alley... :)

You didn't go into the restroom after ordering, did you? They have a sign requesting you not do that.


It was after ordering, but it was also after we got the food. So I thought it was safe. No one tried to stop me. But, then, no one was really paying much attention to me, either. I bet there were cameras in the restroom, though...

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