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This weekend, I cut out a coupon for soy milk. This is something I never thought I'd do. At one time, the very idea seemed ludicrous to me. But lately I've been starting to wonder if I've got some measure of lactose intolerance. So I'm considering experimenting a little to discover if I can actually bear the taste of these dairy substitutes.

I once had an iron stomach. I could eat anything. The richest foods in the world wouldn't bother me. I could drink milk with an orange juice chaser and it didn't bother me a bit. Sure, whenever a stomach bug hit, I was usually the first to get it and I got it good. But what I ate was never a problem. Some major stresses and anxieties in my mid-teens put an end to that. Eating pizza and wings in college far too often exacerbated the problem. Now we're at the point where, if I eat pretty much anything, there's a very good chance that it'll bother my tummy at least a little bit. So, basically, I'm looking for ways to stop that from happening so much. I may be getting older, but I'm not THAT old yet.

Comments (6)


Rob -- what brand of soy milk was it for?

Soy milk/almond milk/rice milk is good as long as you don't go into it expecting it to taste exactly like milk right out of the box. I've totally replaced my cereal milk with soy milk and really enjoy the chocolate almond milk. But only now am I starting to accept the taste of soy milk plain. Fortunately, there are tons of brands of soy milk to try.


If I remember correctly, it was 8th Continent. I kinda figured that soy milk wouldn't taste exactly like regular milk. I'd be kinda scared if it did. As long as it goes well with cereal and cake, I'm there. :)


Never tried that brand before... let me know how it is. I've actually toyed with the idea of getting a bunch of vegans, vegetarians, and non-vegetarians together to do a taste tesk of a few different brands of soy milk. Maybe I'll make that happen...

I like Silk (the largest brand) -- their chocolate is really good. But I've been buying the plain Edensoy Extra ( http://www.edensoy.com/store/results.lasso?-database=products.fp3&-layout=www_products&-sortField=Attribute%203&-sortOrder=descending&-op=bw&-op3=cn&-op=bw&Keywords=extra&-maxRecords=1&-search&-response=detail.lasso ) which is among the most nutritious of the soy milks... it's kind of disgusting in color, but tastes really good on cereal and in smoothies and is decent on its own.


I think you should definitely hold the soy milk challenge. It'd be fun and exciting. I'll let you know how this soy milk tastes when I get it from the grocery store. I don't know if I could ever drink anything that looked utterly disgusting, myself. Maybe if I close my eyes. Or maybe if it closes my eyes for me.

I switched over to soy milk recently, as well. It definitely doesn't leave me feeling as "blech!" in the morning. And plus, I don't hork up nearly as much. Bonus!


The anti-horking factor is what'll win me over, I'm sure. That and the knowledge that I'm actually drinking soy, the miracle food.

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