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Puck it

Well, last night was what was supposed to be the company's hockey night. I actually ended up going because I'm anal about money and I never feel right not using something I pay for. Besides... it's not like I suddenly hate everyone who works for my ex-company. And there weren't any corporate people going. I kinda wish a few others who'd been laid off had gone, but I can understand them not going.

It's felt very nice to have so many people be supportive to me. Especially ex-co-workers. Just about everyone I've talked to that I actually worked with offered to give me a reference. And they've been really nice to me. For a person with incredibly low self-esteem and self-confidence like myself, this is good. There are days when I figure everyone hates me.

Comments (4)

I'm sure no one hates you. It was fate that dealt you the screwjob.


It wasn't the person let go as much as it was the position.

Don't get down on yourself.

Hi Rob,

I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry you lost your job...I'm sure you'll find something you'll like even better! TTYL...


Yeah, I know the position was let go. I just tend to think people dislike me for some unknown reason. Beats me why. Maybe it's all because of Angry Ryan. :)

But thanks for the show of support, all. I appreciate it.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 9, 2001 11:38 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Interview me... I dare you....

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