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Doing lines...

Well, I went to the unemployment office today. That was interesting. As this was my very first real job, I hadn't ever had to go before. I was there for 3 hours, but it was really a lot less painful than I expected.

The nice thing was, when I got home, I had 2 birthday cards waiting for me. :) That sort of thing can really help cushion the blow, oddly enough...

Comments (2)

So how are things? Did Sarah get that job? Hang in there...


Sarah hasn't gotten the job yet. She's supposed to hear back soon, though. Hopefully before we go off for Thanksgiving. I've sent my resume off a few places and posted it on monster.com and hotjobs.com and careerbuilder.com, so hopefully I'll get something soon...

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 13, 2001 8:10 PM.

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The next post in this blog is You say it's your birfday....

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