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World traveller

Man... according to my My Yahoo! page, round-trip airfare to Tokyo out of Reagan is only about $500 at the moment. The lowest I'd seen before was $700 and the highest was close to $1000. This is amazing. I still can't afford to go, but it makes me wish I could all the more.

Of all the places in the world I'd like to go, I think Japan currently tops my list. For quite a long time, the UK topped my list and it's still high up there, but I think Japan's on top now. Perhaps because Japan's a bit more exotic. For convenience, though, I'm sure England and Ireland have Japan beat, since I'll have a slightly easier time understanding an English guy. Though, with some accents, only slightly. England, unlike Japan, also has toilets that I'm familiar with, which would make me happy. Japan also seems a bit more strict as a society, so it'd be a bit uncomfortable. But it's still a beautiful place that I'd love to visit.

Both have wonderful things to see. I love castles and old churches and both lands are covered in excellent examples of both. In Japan, you've got Tokugawa Ieyasu's tomb, Himeji Castle, and so many more man-made and natural beauties. In England, there are dozens and dozens of castles and probably just as many churches.

Lovely lovely. Hopefully before I die, I'll get the chance to visit both.

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