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Sublime subliminal sublimation

This is a somewhat sublime feeling. I'm pretty much finished with Christmas shopping for Sarah. And it's only October. I have a few small things I want to get and some stocking stuffers to think of, but I'm done with the bulk of it. I usually try to start shopping a few months before Christmas so I can spread the spending around. I admit that I usually go extremely overboard, but this year we decided to cut back, especially since Sarah's been out of work, so she won't be able to get me as much. Which is fine with me, really. I like buying presents. But anyhow... I started about as early as usual this year. But I kept finding good deals on all the stuff I wanted to get her, so I ended up getting all her stuff in September and October. November and December will be left for the little things and for anything else that might come up between now and Christmas.

This is a good feeling. Now I don't have to worry about budgeting Christmas too much. :) Except for getting presents for my family. Or at least for some members of my family. At one time, we'd decided to not get presents for each other. But my older brother kept doing it, so my mom started doing it, and everyone gets stuff for my niece because she's the baby. This will all lead to ruin, I tell you! ;)

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