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One wedding and a viral infection...

Hello, my children! I'm back.

Actually, I would've been back yesterday, but somewhere along the way during the trip, Sarah caught a nasty little bug, so I took care of her yesterday. We're not sure where she got it, since we both ate the same stuff and hung around the same people. I guess my immune system is just mightier. Yay for me! It's kind of surprising, since I slept like hell the whole trip, as I had to sleep on a fold-out bed and the bar was extremely evident to my poor tortured back. Ah well.

The wedding itself was nice. Jennifer looked lovely and Michael cleans up pretty good. We left the reception fairly early, since we were driving back that night. Sarah started feeling sick on the way back and she deteriorated rapidly. I ended up driving the last couple hours back and I managed to not get lost. My driving ability isn't really wonderful, especially at night. My night vision seems to be a little off. Actually, I think what it is is that I tend to have to look at things a little longer to recognize them and I read signs slowly. So night driving is taken to a whole new level of fun. But the roads were pretty clear and we didn't die, so all's good.

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