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Hello... is there anybody out there?

This is something of an addendum to yesterday's entry about taking stuff too seriously. I thought about it a bit and it seems to me that I don't make a big deal out of things that really are a big deal. Take the events of September 11th, for instance. I was a bit stunned but it was just something of a fascinating thing to me. While the world was freaking out, it didn't seem like a huge thing to me. I'm unsure whether this stems from cynicism or not. I guess I feel the world is pretty sick and bad stuff happens far too often, so it's just another day. But there have been other big deals that haven't been big deals to me. And some big deals that have been, though I think in a lot of those cases, it was because the situation required action and I had no idea what to do. So... I don't know. It's odd that I can make a big deal out of something someone says to me or doesn't say to me, but thousands of people dying is nothing. I guess in the case of a tragedy like that, the basic facts are known and there's nothing to analyze. But when someone says something to me that bothers me and I don't know why, I have to sit and wonder why and try to figure it out until I get to talk to them again.

Yes. My blog. My personal place for talking to myself. :)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 23, 2001 11:19 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Call me Mr. Serious.

The next post in this blog is Bowling in the buff.

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