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DVD Goodness

I watched some of the extra stuff on the Star Wars DVD last night. Not all of it but a decent portion of it. The deleted scenes were very cool. It was so amazing that they spent the time to finish all of these scenes with complete effects and everything. The best part of the deleted scenes documentary was the bit where the guy went through and showed how he finished the deleted waterfall scene. I've always wished that I had the talent to do effects work or work in computer animation, but I really don't. It's just amazing what these guys can do. The creativity involved in coming up with ways to make things look real is immense.

Of course, the one thing that stuck with me from watching the making-of documentary was that Rick McCallum has a potty mouth.

I wish I liked the movie more, but I still find it difficult to not be disappointed. I understand that Lucas wrote the movie for kids and that this movie is basically there to set up everything. But there are various holes and silly plot points. And I still wish that Lucas had found a way to write the story without introducing the character of Qui-Gonn. Obi-Wan had always said that Yoda trained him. Now, I guess you could say that, at some point, Yoda did train him or will train him, as he is only a Jedi knight at the end of the first movie. And, since Qui-Gonn was long dead, maybe Obi-Wan found it unnecessary to mention him to Luke. But it still seems a bit iffy to me. Maybe there was no other way to tell this particular story without introducing a character like that. I feel he could've written a different story about the same thing without him. But oh well. He's there. I still enjoy the film, don't get me wrong. Just not as much as the other movies and not as much as I'd like to.

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