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Call me Mr. Serious

I really tend to take things far too seriously. That becomes more and more apparent to me as each day passes. Not only do I overanalyze practically everything, I really make a big deal out of very minor things. I can't help being this way, though. I've tried and it really doesn't help at all. I often end up feeling extremely annoying because of this. I'll make a big deal out of things that aren't a big deal and I won't seem especially calm for no good reason whatsoever. It really drives me nuts. It's like my brain can't tell the difference between something that is a big deal and something that's not, so everything has to be a big deal, just in case. It really sucks, though. It makes it impossible to relax, take it easy, and just be, enjoying life and friendships as they are.

This is why I will, no doubt, have a heart attack before I'm 40.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 22, 2001 5:15 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Typo alert.

The next post in this blog is Hello... is there anybody out there?.

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