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I had a messed-up dream this morning. I can't quite tell if I was lucid dreaming or if the whole thing started as a dream and ended up just drifting into my imagination. I was back in high school. Except it looked sort of more like my college. But not quite like that, either. Maybe it was some kind of amalgam. For some reason, all the guys ended up in this big laundry room or something and we were all naked. We had to go through school naked until we found our lockers or something. I went to go find mine and all sorts of weird stuff happened. I walked by the cafeteria and everyone was naked. I ended up in the mail room at my college and found a piece of paper that had my locker number on it. So I went to find it and no one was around. Then I finally found it and opened it up and everyone in the entire school was suddenly there and they were all pointing at me, laughing. I forget if they were still naked. I'm not utterly sure if this is all that happened in the dream. I have a hard time remembering details and events and I never write anything down. But the dream was similar. Weird weird weird.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 5, 2001 5:24 PM.

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