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I will punish YOU.

I had another freaky dream this morning. I can't remember exactly what happened in the beginning, but in the part I remember, it was pretty dark out. This woman and I were eating dinner and we were really scared. I think some bad men threatened us at the beginning of the dream. We were watching TV and the reporter said something about Frank Castle. I was, like, "Oh my God... Frank Castle's The Punisher! His wife and baby daughter were KILLED." Apparently, I was the baby daughter, since Sylvester Stallone suddenly came out, dressed in a Punisher uniform. Yes, I know... Sly didn't play The Punisher. So I ran around my parent's house (I'm not sure why I was living there) and placed my plate of food on the ground, though I was worried about dogs getting into it. And then it ended. I'm not sure why I was The Punisher's baby daughter. And I'm not even sure if that's what happened to The Punisher's family or if he even HAD a daughter. But anyhow... dreams are like that.

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