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I have trophies. Honest!

Back when I was a kid, I was a pretty good bowler. I don't really recall HOW good, but I know I was pretty good. I got all sorts of patches and pins and trophies. It was the only game I was even remotely decent at. I sucked at soccer when I played for a year. I never even dreamed of trying out for baseball or basketball. Being a geek, I was uncoordinated. It was unavoidable. Back then, I was in a bowling league. So I played every Saturday morning. Sometimes on Sunday nights for a while, too. There were bowling banquets every year where I actually won things and everything. I've never been great at keeping my wrist straight. But I compensated for the most part and I was really rather good. Today, I'm not. Sarah and I went bowling tonight. I always have a hard time finding a decent ball at a bowling alley. I think I need a good 12 pounder. 14's still a little too heavy for my weak wrist and fingers. I won't even consider a 16. But all of the 12s and even most of the 14s have finger holes that are way too small for my thick fingers. So I lose quite a bit of control that way. Back in the day, I had my own ball. A firey blue 10 pound baby fitted to my fingers. Yummy. Tonight I started out with a 15 pound behemoth with slightly small finger holes. I searched around after the first game and a half and found a 14 pounder that had finger holes that were a bit too big but not all that bad. I bowled a 109 the first game. Not too too bad for not having bowled in a year. And then only 3 games with my brothers. Next game I got a 121. I was improving. Then I bowled a 106. Yucky. We gave up after that. It was late and we were tired and my fingers were getting sore. I feel I could do better with a ball better suited to me. My play was erratic. Sometimes I could chuck the thing right down the middle, sometimes I'd end up tossing it way off to the right. Ah well... Sarah told me it was O.K. to say what she got, too, so... she got a 68, a 59, and a 57. Of course, she said she could count on her fingers how many times she's been in a bowling alley, so she's got more of an excuse than I do. :) And she giggled as she threw gutter balls, and that's all that really matters, isn't it?

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