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Yay. A blender.

As I mentioned yesterday, I've got a couple weddings to go to over the next couple months. Unlike most of the weddings I've gone to in the past, these ones are in convenient locations. :) Ryan and Huyen's is in Leesburg, which is about a 15 minute drive from here. Not only that but they say you can walk from the church to the reception place. Groovy. Michael and Jennifer's is somewhere in Pennsylvania, which isn't entirely convenient, BUT it's going to be close to one of Sarah's friends, so we'll be able to stay with her instead of having to stay in a hotel. Now I just have to figure out what the hell I'm going to get them. Sometimes I feel stupid getting, like, a pan for someone. But... eh... I guess that's what wedding presents are like. It just feels WRONG somehow.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 15, 2001 4:13 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Should I bring singles?.

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