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Suicide is painless

So... after their appearances in and leading up to the horrible Our Worlds at War crossover, the Suicide Squad is getting its own series. I loved the old Suicide Squad series. I recently finally finished reading the entire 5+ year run. I'm a little concerned that the new series won't even come close to being as good as the original. From what little I've seen of the first 3 issues, it sounds like it's going to be a series that only exists to kill off unnecessary characters. Sure, the first series did that a LOT, too. But that was against a backdrop of some excellent storytelling and great, fully realized characters. I'm probably jumping the gun here. Giffen's a good writer. I'll definitely give it a few issues, but I'm not hoping for much at this point. I see slightly more promise in the new Doom Patrol series.

Comments (1)


suicide is the only way to get off the convayor belt of conformetty. Fuck the world and get away as fast as you can!

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